Monday, September 17, 2012

Preserve Mankind with Kojie.san Men

"That's so gay!"

That's what you get if you're a guy and you get too conscious on how you look. Well at least, nowadays, you won't get that a lot. 

When I was in high school, my girlfriends and I would go together to the comfort room to wash our faces as a group. It was like a daily routine. We'd first eat lunch with different groups, but after eating, we'd call each other from different classrooms, to go to the comfort room together. Acceptable? Yes, of course.

What's hardly acceptable was how there were about three guys in my class who would also go as a group and wash their faces together. Sometimes they would borrow facial wash soaps from us, and vice versa. Uhuh. Vice versa. There were times when we ran out of it, and we'd get from them. I mean it wasn't that it wasn't acceptable. It was just... odd. 

So who were they? Azul, Benj, Bernard, Jolet and Daniel were the boys I remember from whom we could borrow the soaps--or the ones who borrowed from us. 

(That's Benj and Azul right there.)


As years went on, I went to college and met more self-conscious guys. Unfortunately, I can't say that the guys in my college were merely being self-conscious because I later learned that some of them were actually gay. But all the same, some closet-gay dudes were sometimes cleaner than us girls. 

Ashamed I am, I had more my-face-is-oily moments than them. 


My long-time boyfriend Kevin (now, ex slash complicated) was a really clean dude. Exception to days when he had no class and he's stuck home and he'd rather sleep the whole day rather than to wake up at a legit daytime eat and bathe like a normal person. But with that perfectly crossed out, he actually was pretty clean. The kind of clean that will make you feel that you have to notch up your cleanness to match his level of cleanness. 

The kind of clean that's annoying even cos it's contagious.
"I don't care if you'll get it from your savings. Go have facial."

I mean, were you possessed by my mom?

(Here's my college graduation photo with Kevin)


I mean, even if I dig the dirty look sometimes and the scruffy guys and the big bad boys, it doesn't mean that I don't dig the clean guys-inside. The ones who won't make it obvious but when you search inside their bags, you'd see a small towel, a facial wash soap, tooth brush, tooth paste and a cologne. 

And when you start asking them about it, they'd say:
"It's for after-basketball!"

And you won't care. Because after that, you'd see in their trunk some extra pairs of socks and extra shirts that are all "for after-basketball". And you smile because you like the idea that guys like these exist.

Then there are also those guys who would ask you what you are wearing, without intending to go sexual. (You know what I mean.) But just because they want to share what they are wearing. Too metro-sexual, I tell you, but too far from being gay. 


I am happy that a lot of people are open-minded nowadays. That now, they get to separate the world of gender and sexuality to the world of cleanliness and hygiene. 

Preseve mankind. That's Kojie.san Men's drive to men's love for one's self and body.

Really, it takes two to tango. So how can you preserve mankind if girls are the only ones who are stereotypical-ly expected to be clean and hygienic?

Let's surround ourselves with more beautiful men. Preserve mankind. And let's get better generations.


To know more about Kojie.san Men, like them on Facebook:

Sunday, September 9, 2012

What's the most inconvenient favor you asked your best friend?

Many times, it takes so much from us to do favors--much more the inconvenient favors.

Janelle and I had quite a number of this. And in as much as we would want to roll our eyes in annoyance, we just couldn't because. Because. :))

I talked to Denise about this and asked the most inconvenient favor Diane asked from her. She said that they have a lot, but in most cases, she's the one who asks them from Diane.

"Why don't you tell her you can't do it?" she asked.

"Because I love it despite the inconvenience. It defines the level of friendship that you have. Not a lot of people can ask you such favors. And the most inconvenient--those that you'd feel embarrassed to even utter--are left to be asked and done by your best friends."

That Friday, I reminded Janelle that we have the Katy Perry Part of Me movie date (to which I learned she forgot). And because she doesn't like going out to places wearing her med school uniform, she asked me to bring "nice clothes" for her. So I had to go home after work to get that before going to Rockwell. Well, up side is I got to shower and eat light dinner at home. ;)

(See below pictures of Janelle with my dress and shoes. Ain't she pretty? :P )

So what are the inconvenient favors I asked from her?

  1. Drive me home foreverrrr, unplanned overnights and 911 dates bec I'm needy when I have a problem:))) "I know you're studying, but I'm at your gate na. Sorry superrr but can you pick me up?"
  2. (3am convos on the phone) "Are you sleepy na ba?" "It's okay sis." "Thanks. I'm really still not okay."
  3. Now this one wasn't from me. But it was for me. In order to pull off a really big surprise party, she and Kevin hosted my 19th birthday in her house. All my friends and family in her house! And how in the world will I ever expect that? :))

And the ones she asked from me?

  1. "Okay. Let's watch in Galleria nalang para game ako na naka uniform lang. Pag Rockwell, I need nice clothes and shoes!!!!" :))
  2. "I'm in KFC McKinley, can I sleep in your house tonight?"
  3. "I might have dinner tonight. Nakapambahay lang ako e. Do you have clothes in your office drawer?" "Only my running outfit." "Okay. What are you wearing right now and at what time can you change to your running outfit?"

Hahahaha! Truly rocks my socks. :))

So you there. What's the most inconvenient favor you asked your best friend?

Saturday, September 8, 2012

I realized that I eat salad only when...

1. I'm really in the mood.
2. I'm really really starving.
3. I'm the one who made it.


Third item I realized yesterday when we were in Modern Culinaire Academy. Chef Dino taught us how to make a Caesar Salad with a twist. And true enough, it had something different. I finished it all, mind you.

I wish I can share with you the recipe, but apart from keeping it bec I wanna keep it, I also snuck out of the kitchen to give directions to the place to my friend. So what for is an incomplete recipe? :))

Chai was there which I loved cos I love talking to her during NN events. She also brought her brother, who's studying HRM.

Chef Dino was so cool and helpful. He was also very engaging. Plus he affirmed me a lot. "Oh that's very nice!" "You're doing it really really great. That's gonna be a great sauce." (Was that his term? I forget.) The only thing I didn't like was how he separated the egg white from the yolk when I said I was v excited to do it! :(( Hahaha! But fine.

Other than the salad-making class, there was also a macaron-making class, this other demo on the first floor and the mixology on the top floor. Since I already know how to make a Tequila Sunrise, my forever favorite, I just helped myself with a glass. :)

Friday afternoon well-spent!
Thanks, MCA!


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